Saturday, January 7, 2012

Some People...

The Biloxi Veterans Administration entrance. 
I don't think one could say we actually met. She and I shared an elevator ride in the early part of the morning. We did not speak but exchanged "good mornings--with smiles". I remember thinking she was both a beautiful and a pleasant woman. She was tall, slender, dark skin, beautiful eyes. She was wearing faded jeans and a brown leather bomber jacket which I secretly admired. I got off on 2nd for MRI. She stayed on for another floor.

I went about my morning work transporting lab specimens and MRI's from hospital to hospital. Finishing my work, I went home to wait for another call out. Sure enough, it came.

As I was leaving the hospital I shared the elevator again with the same woman. On the way down she let me know that she had been there almost all day taking Chemo. Many different thoughts went through my mind. I was like a kid at a toy box--can I use this response?? No--it could sound patronizing. That response? No--it takes away from the uniqueness of this special person and her situation.

So, I said nothing for a moment and we rode in what seemed to me to be a comfortable silence. I recalled how sick my Sister, Patti used to be from her chemo treatments. I could have used that--along with Patti's recovery to maybe encourage the woman.

Instead, because I did not see anyone with her, I asked--Are you driving home? Then she said, "Oh, no. My husband would never let me drive after a chemo treatment. He is waiting at the entrance." I was happy about that and told her she was blessed without thinking (in that nano second I was thinking of how my Patti had to endure so much alone).

Other thoughts went through my mind which I discarded for preferring a better response. Each seemed to have a less than perfect result... As we parted I reached over and gave her the generic love pat-rub that may be unique to Texas women who have big and deep thoughts but lack the words to express them.

In parting, she looked at me with a bright smile and said, "Thank you". Did she know I prayed for her healing and emotional resolve and strength in those brief moments?

I think the people who join in an elevator ride are each experiencing the randomness of time, space, and situation coming together. It would be perhaps childish for me to think we were supposed to have that experience. I think of it as an opportunity to enjoy cheesecake without the calories. The experience is there. Make the most of it AND Enjoy it. I look forward to my multiple daily elevator rides.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Waking Seconds Before the Call...hmmm

Because my first route starts late at night and my second route technically finishes or halts late morning--I usually sleep during the day.

I was sleeping soundly then awoke a few hours later. I looked at my cell phone and the clock. I was groggy and was trying to make sense of the day and time. For some reason I was more disoriented than usual...

About a minute later I got a call from the VA Lab to do a pick-up with a delivery to Gulfport Memorial. By the time the call came I was already getting dressed and was lucid. ...Maybe I heard Porsche thinking about calling me? Does this ever happen to you--waking seconds before the call that should have woke you up?

Help Name This Photo

I travel US Hwy 90, also known as Beach Boulevard for most of my Gulf Coast VA Medical route. If I am not on an urgent call, I can enjoy the route as my compensation is not hourly.

I used to only be attracted to blue skies. However, recently I have developed an affinity for pastels and gray on gray. For some reason this view, this shot spoke to me--but, I don't know what the message was.

Do you have any thoughts regarding this photo? Does a name come to mind?

When we are graced with rays beaming through an artistically parted cloud and dancing on the water as a search light--it reminds me of "Beam me up, Scottie." The only thing is--to me this photo almost has a sense of reverence about it. What do you think?
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